“Happy are your men and happy are these your servants, who stand continually before you and hear your wisdom” (1 Kings 10:8)
These words were spoken by the Queen of Sheba to King Solomon as she stood humbled and amazed at the wisdom and wealth of Solomon. Solomon was an earthly king who had been extremely blessed by the Lord. As the son of David who reigned on David’s throne he is a forerunner of the Seed of David who will reign on David’s throne forever.
If the Queen of Sheba thought that Solomon’s servants and the men who worked in close proximity to him were blessed and happy how much should we to be considered blessed and happy who are able to continually hear, read and meditate on the words and wisdom of Jesus? Jesus is the One who gave Solomon all he had so how much greater is He than Solomon?
Did Solomon’s servants value what they heard as Solomon wisely answered all the dilemmas and questions put to him? We have the opportunity to hear infinitely greater wisdom day by day from our Lord and Saviour by reading, studying and meditating on His word with the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit who understands all things.
The Queen of Sheba had heard of Solomon’s great wisdom and when she heard him for herself she exclaimed that “indeed the half was not told me.” As great as Solomon was in wisdom we have the opportunity to sit at the feet of One so much greater as to not be a comparison.
Today, even now is the opportunity to be continually in His presence and hear Him. That is what the Father told the disciples, Peter, James and John on the mount of transfiguration; “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (Matthew 17:5)
The allurements of the world may make us happy for a moment but they will lead to the destruction of the soul. The happiness that comes from hearing Jesus is life and it is eternal. Are you relishing and enjoying the blessed place you have in Christ or do you treat it with indifference? Come, sit at His feet each day and you will find that “indeed the half was not told.”