“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.” Proverbs 27:1
The changing of the year seems to be a big event unti1 it actually happens. At the end of December 31st, January 1st is just the next day. People try to make it appear spectacular by burning a lot of money in the form of fireworks and drinking a lot of alcohol. Both distract the mind from the reality that we all have one less year on this earth. Any distraction from difficult times and especially our mortality seems welcome.
The change of year is a good reminder that we should take stock and evaluate our lives regularly. The Bible tells us that for those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord He has taken care of our past and He has a unique life in Himself for us to live now and forever.
Many people make great plans and promises for the year ahead but no one has any certainty of seeing out even the first day of the New Year let alone the whole year. Jesus warns that the world will go on as though all is well and remain oblivious to the fact that the cancer of sin is destroying it from within the hearts of people. If we look to men for salvation we will be greatly disappointed.
Jesus exhorts us to stop worrying about earthly things that will surely pass, including our bodies and material possessions, and trust all our tomorrows into His care – let Him do the worrying.
The year 2011 is God’s gift to us should He tarry and we bodily remain on the earth. Let us choose to be good stewards of this precious gift of time in which we can live by faith in Jesus Christ. We will never have it again.
As Joshua proclaimed near the end of his earthly life, “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Let this be our resolve with God’s gift of life into 2011 and be daily thankful for every day He gives to serve Him and live by faith.